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Identity | A Bullet’s Life

I was born yesterdayin a hustle-free factory,a man was smoking carelesslyon top of the gunpowderaround the cases and me;fitting me inside is never an easy taskyet it is never done manually anymore,nor does anyone tend to save on me—I am abundant like the sun,yet I...

The Scream | Beyond the Black Hole

What if there were other soulsOn the other side of the black hole?What if our hands reach outand touch their hearts?Could they be blacker?Then when we do look backwill we see our hearts so white?What if they do not believe in what we do?what if individual truth...

The Scream | I Belong

I belong to no countryyou may war against,and tomorrow’s placeI find, for my head,under your military boots,and the roaring thunderof your steel shaking my ground.I belong to no race,where a color mismatchcan take your reason away,and all your eyes can seeis but a...

Poetry | Cannot Give You More

If a heart alone would suffice,I have given you all—A world standing on the brinkOf losing its colors,I have given you my red green and blue;What more do I owe you?What missing hue I have not surrenderedGenerously like a rainbowYou ride along beyond the cloudsMy body...

Poetry | Embraced by the Sea

Here I lie alone naked on my bedWatching you putting on your Levi’s jeansYour tight shirt exaggerating your musclesFor that, you need not cover your head,Slowly buckling your cowboy bootsReady to ride away as the raid succeeds;Walking towards the door looking...

September Tree

Shivering like a September treeIn a futile quest to save its leavesShedding them one by one, like tearsBurning its cheeks with wildfireLeaving a map on it of lost desire,And a heart longing to be free—I am enchained to that chair also sheddingBefore a screen that...