Here I lie alone naked on my bed
Watching you putting on your Levi’s jeans
Your tight shirt exaggerating your muscles
For that, you need not cover your head,
Slowly buckling your cowboy boots
Ready to ride away as the raid succeeds;
Walking towards the door looking back
Smiling at a pile of gold you turned to ash—
Walking away with me in your collection, a figurine
Curved and sculpted to perfection with no face, no name;
Even the doorknob felt the grab of a better man
Looking ahead taking deep breaths
Ready to go before the dawn,
Afraid the daylight might shine bright your black
Leaving me lying alone naked under the moonlight
Stitching my oozing wounds with tears;
How could I have ever invited you in me—
Looking at your face that you don’t see,
Like a warlord conquering new land
You’re already gone, I understand
Leaving the spoils to rot in the sun—
Secondhand is never as good as new;
How can I blame and whom as I invited you in—
My soul needed a break from this desert
I thought, with your words should come the breeze;
No more than a vehicle to get to my den
Scare away my cubs and steal my winter stash
Then throw me to your dogs and friends;
You thought you have already solved my cryptex,
Now you go around giving the combination to all;
I could not hold the door as I gave you the key,
What the hell did I think when I invited you in me?
A fool was I? I was not; to change paths and go away, never—
You don’t ask a river to evade a rock in the way,
You can never hold it back from flowing down;
Drain as much as you can, you shall never hold me back
A river will finally unite again with the sea
In there you will be no more than a pebble in the way;
I shall be free in the end I shall be embraced by the sea.
Sometime, Somewhere | Poem | from Chaos
Somewhere, in a world that’s fair — You’ll see me dare and take on the storm — But I strive to keep this boat afloat — And maybe our great adventure