by Danny Ballan | May 16, 2016 | Poetry
The same charade goes on and onevery time there are elections in Lebanon;they want my vote—I say, as a responsible citizen,I should notethat I have no other choicein your so filthy democracybut to vote,that’s got to make a differencebut you have already bought...
by Danny Ballan | May 9, 2016 | Poetry
Let’s take a day or two,a truce—if you stop killing me,I promise I won’t kill you;a truce we call today,but you may still thinknot enough blood is spillednot enough bullets are soldperhaps, the baby’s prematureit may not pull it through.Let’s take a day or two,a...
by Danny Ballan | May 8, 2016 | Poetry
Longing for a day to be rebornin a world so free of woetracking the rays of a sun,not dying like our ownbut eternally shining in our heartsenjoying spending each minutenot wasting the last dimes of a loan.Not being who I am supposed to be—where is the thrill in...
by Danny Ballan | May 7, 2016 | Poetry
Walking like the windI knew he could neverbe mine; I’d hold him tightto my chest like a peanut shell—the world had to breakto take it out, and Ito remain on an empty platewith all my kernel-less fruitsthrown back at me.I’d picture him so handsome in a suitwalking down...
by Danny Ballan | May 6, 2016 | Poetry
His lips are falling like heavy rain on mine—I have always loved the sun to shine—mercilessly brutalizing my senseslike a heartbeat, one moment to graspbut another to let go—like a giant adult seesawgoing high, going low,talking to me once to see him on earththen I...
by Danny Ballan | May 2, 2016 | Poetry
how wrong could I be?love’s twisting me like fate—doors are open, I see your eyesshining beyond the horizonthe sun I have been after—never caught up with you,but you would come backif I waited, would you not?But I can’t entrust tomorrowwith what I can’t do today—in...
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