Immortal Books 03 | Don Quixote by Cervantes

Learn about Cervantes’ masterpiece Don Quixote De La Mancha in this new Immortal Books episode from English Plus Podcast. Audio Podcast   Episode Transcript Welcome to a new episode from English Plus Podcast, and today we have a very special episode form our...

Stories 01 | The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant

  Listen to Guy De Maupassant’s story The Necklace and learn about character motivation and making inferences along with some keywords, but above all, enjoy this beautiful story from English Plus Podcast.   Audio Podcast The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant She...

Stories | The Machine

Description Immerse yourself in The Machine, a story by Danny Ballan from The Antichrist short story collection. Listen to the story with original music composed for the story and sound effects that will take you right in the middle of the action of the story. Audio...

Literature | The Odyssey

Literature | The Odyssey TOC  [hide]DescriptionAudioTranscriptDescriptionIn this Literature | The Odyssey episode, we will talk about the Odyssey by Homer. We will talk about the plot, the characters, and the main themes in this immortal book from Greek...

Understanding Human | Personality Key Traits

Understanding Human | Personality Key Traits TOC  [hide]DescriptionAudioTranscriptDescriptionIn this Understanding Human episode Personality Key Traits, we will talk about the key traits of human personality—extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness,...