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A Long White Beard

by | Dec 25, 2015 | Poetry | 0 comments

It’s Christmas one more time
the truth, the love
the people lost
in misery
and hearts changing,
not for compassion,
not one single time;

Time for a living
away from the dead,
we chose we are
the only one alive;
thinking we are the ones
to float high above
the rest are an anchor,
our ship has to stand ­-
the engine needs some fire;
we do it all but we burn not –
the instilled meaning of Christmas
lost on a plate of cheese
and too much wine.

Delights of a season
the mistletoes
a tree, the garlands
all lights and stars
angels flying above
little Jesus lying below,
for once we could have just
drive all the demons around away;
hearts filled with joy
like glasses filled with drinks –
easily filled in our homes;
warm next to the hearth
a smoking turkey –
its sauce spilling from every side
like outside is spilling blood;

Too much for one man to take –
happiness for every man is just;
to spoil it all and do regret
is not what anyone would want,
yet before many guaranteed smiles inside,
you could have wagered one outside;
Santa is not coming to town this time
You grow a long white beard in your heart.

December 25, 2015


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