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A World So Fixed

What could change in a world so fixed?a ship laid anchor ages ago but stillits captain wearing his full uniform;the wind at harbor can move naught—want to look ahead in the crow’s nest,it all looks fine as I cry everyday land—the oars so shiny, cleaned and waxed,the...

Just Get Over Me

If I fight to keep my soul,and the ashes of war keep smolderingunder a pile of fallen friends and foes,of dreams forsaken and lives abandoned,of a kneeling generationfooled into submissionby throwing unending candy onto the floor—petty prizes to be boughtdreams...


Like the sky, drowning in the blue—waves have come and gonechanging the very face of the shore,but none of that is ever true—Who is part of whom?Yet what does it matter?blue has never been our colorbut together creating a majestic scenefor some, that might have seemed...

Tame Me

Don’t tame me!My heart is wild;my measures of loveare not measured by your sanity—your common sense is too common for me,just let me bea lonely spirit waking every dayhungry for a start,for none shall remain from the day before—a new story begins at dawnfor better or...


I’m running naked as the skythe fields, the crops overgrownsweat beads no more deliberately formedon a wrinkled forehead so tiredof looking to see the road aheadhaving abided by every law, I’ve marchingfor days and nights, one by one like leaves of fallthey fell until...


Drop another bombfor something’s wrong down therein the fog of war going ondrop another bomba child’s running scaredbut children are no children in this part of townthey cut their cords and walk from day oneyoung lads at twodecoys at fourarmed and ready at tendrop the...