Stories: The Sole Track

In this episode from Perfect Podcast, you will listen to a short story, The Sole Track by Danny Ballan. It is a story about a driver who is an inch away from realizing his dreams of winning and entering the circle of glory and fame, but there is one big obstacle...

The Antichrist | The Rape of the Secretary

Her eyes could not focus on the man she was talking to and agreed or disagreed with something she could not remember; all that mattered was going after Jack.“Did you see them?” Rachel said while closing Jack’s office door shut.“Everybody’s talking. I couldn’t believe...

The Antichrist | The Emergency Room

It was getting late, and that night in the emergency room of City Hospital was uneventful. There were a few normal fractures, a man who thought he had a heart attack after a heavy meal, two naughty kids that needed stitches, and a teenage was here after a so-called...

The Antichrist | The Sole Track

The stands filled with people eager to watch the race. Some even came here early in the morning from all the country to watch these aspiring drivers race against each other in one of the most prestigious race tracks in the world. This event would always attract the...

The Antichrist | The Machine

Sam was waiting in the long single file for his turn at The Machine. He had been waiting for over three hours, but he had to come on that day, or he would miss the opportunity to get a better future. The people in line could not talk to each other, so there was only...

The Antichrist | The Antichrist

All my friends listened to this man, but many found him controversial. I couldn’t tell before going there and figuring what made their eyes shine every time they repeated any of his words. I had to squeeze myself in the hotel lobby to get closer to the big conference...