Identity | Crazy Like God

Crazy, like God–everyone believes in me,yet everyone does not give a damnabout whence I came,they all but hold a guaranteethat I never leave.So sure so securewhen they have me–coins in their pockets,a raging river with endless uproara body melting towards the...

The Scream | A Man Just Died

Hold on,There on the newsthe other day was killeda Jew—a Christian cheered,a Muslim rejoiced—a sign from heaventaken by each.Hold on,There on the newsthe other day was killeda Christian—a Muslim exulted,a Jew did not care;for he never existed at allor failed to see...

Identity | The Rain Must Fall

So stained a heartthat is of man’s—right down, the soul,cold-blooded consciencestruggling for the sunto reach its intimate core,but nothing seems to runin those veins of old;no sweat or blood—all seem under control;no tears to falter now—a heart as hard as...

The Antichrist | The Emergency Room

It was getting late, and that night in the emergency room of City Hospital was uneventful. There were a few normal fractures, a man who thought he had a heart attack after a heavy meal, two naughty kids that needed stitches, and a teenage was here after a so-called...

The Scream | A Game of Cards

A game of cards—eyes on the table sneaking pastthe watchful discreetnessof each hand holding ontight to those hidden cards—dealt, stolen, forged…Inside it felt as ifsomething was wrong,but I kept onplaying anyway.All the numbersdo not matter;a great hand is fullof...

The War Edition | A Boy’s Story of War

A head or two blemished the imagesmeared my view of who might that bewhat stands between me and youa block or two, a window, a wallI can duck behind if I’m lucky enoughI might race you back to the startreset and go like an endless runnerbound to hit an obstacle and...