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Who Are You

Emily Dickinson – I Am NobodyI’m nobody! Who are you?Are you nobody, too?Then there’s a pair of us — don’t tell!They’d banish us; you know!How dreary to be somebody!How public like a frogTo tell one’s name the livelong dayTo an admiring bog! Who Are...

The Antichrist | The Emergency Room

It was getting late, and that night in the emergency room of City Hospital was uneventful. There were a few normal fractures, a man who thought he had a heart attack after a heavy meal, two naughty kids that needed stitches, and a teenage was here after a so-called...

Creative Writing Prompts and Tips | Prompt #03

First,Look at this assembly of beautiful creatures, gods, and idols with Venus in the middle of the picture and the graces dancing blissfully unaware of what’s happening around them. Hermes to the left, the messenger of gods is present as well, and Cupid is...

The Antichrist | The Sole Track

The stands filled with people eager to watch the race. Some even came here early in the morning from all the country to watch these aspiring drivers race against each other in one of the most prestigious race tracks in the world. This event would always attract the...

Creative Writing Prompts and Tips | Prompt #02

First,This masterpiece by Peter Paul Rubens depicts the imaginary scene from Greek Mythology when Hades raped Persephone, kidnapped her and dragged her with him to the underworld. Hence the title of the painting is The Rape of Proserpina (Persephone in Greek...

The Antichrist | The Machine

Sam was waiting in the long single file for his turn at The Machine. He had been waiting for over three hours, but he had to come on that day, or he would miss the opportunity to get a better future. The people in line could not talk to each other, so there was only...