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Long Way from Home Chapters 1-2

Table of Contents  [hide]Long Way from Home Chapters 1 & 2 AudioLong Way from Home Chapters 1 & 2 VideoChapter 1Chapter 2Long Way from Home Chapters 1 & 2 AudioLong Way from Home Chapters 1 & 2 VideoChapter 1Getting back home that day took me way...

If by Rudyard Kipling

In today’s Poem of the Day episode from Perfect English with Danny podcast, we will dive deep in the world of Rudyard Kipling and his famous poem ‘If’Support this podcast by becoming a patron on Patreon English with...

The History of World War I

In this episode from Perfect English Podcast, you will listen to a brief history of World War I as one of the events that changed the world. There are a lot of details and things to learn from this episode, so get ready and after you finish listening to the episode,...

Stories: The Sole Track

In this episode from Perfect Podcast, you will listen to a short story, The Sole Track by Danny Ballan. It is a story about a driver who is an inch away from realizing his dreams of winning and entering the circle of glory and fame, but there is one big obstacle...

This Rock Standing in the Way

There is this rock standing in the way, and I look all around and see all other ways are blocked. I come to think about it as the end of the road, of which I barely started the first few steps. What do I do now? Should I turn around and go back for there might be...